Friday, 23 March 2012


The hope of something better keeps me progressing along in my journey of life. I know not who I am, what I want or what I need, but I keep moving forward, simply existing, hoping that one day this all will make sense; that someday I can sit back and be content, that looking back a few years from now (however long that may be) I might actually be happy.

I want to say that I have a list of goals, that I have some direction, but alas I am but a mere soul, drifting along in hope of being found, in hope of being complete, in hope of finally feeling as though I am a part of something bigger, of having a purpose, of making a difference.

It’s not as though I am completely unhappy now; on the contrary, lately it feels as though I just tether on the border of some great, unfound moment, as though some great encounter awaits me.

Hope is a brilliant savior. In a world where life may present a fading picture of gloom and uncertainty, hope is that little bit of color in the corner, egging one on, making one want to turn that corner, to find that missing piece, to build a complete puzzle. Hope is that little reminder, that little voice in your head that says it’s going to be okay someday; someday it will all make sense.

Hope is not wanting more, its believing that your Creator has a greater destiny for you, and that someday soon, you’ll wake up and find yourself understanding your role in the middle of His masterpiece.

Life is more than just a moment, more than just a day… it’s a compilation of moments, a combination of days, a treasure box of emotions, a masterpiece in it’s own right.

Life is what’s waiting to happen to you, each and every day, it’s just up to you to choose to make it memorable.

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